Project Overview
Previously, writing exam questions for simplifying boolean algebra expression and drawing out the circuit for it is a handcrafted work, and it requires tedious amount of time and effort for the instructor. It is even more problematic to come up with enough well-tuned exercises that matches up with the exam-level difficulty to deploy on computer-based practice and evaluation platforms like Priarielearn. However, this task is notably rule-based and thus have the potential to be effeciently done by script. This Question Generator aims to tackle this problem efficiently, by throwing a randomly generated boolean algebra expression that is guaranteed to be simplifiable into its simplest form upon configuration of the instructor.
This Question Generator is fully configurable in over 10 paramters, and has a huge advantage of always pulling up questions in a pool of abundantly generated expressions with the most reasonable and closest difficulty level. This thus makes the evaluation and practice of the students more consistent and effective.